这是一个关于社会的下滑……在下滑的时候它不停对自己说:“目前为止还不错……目前为止还不错……目前为止还不错……”你是如何下滑的并不重要关键是你怎么着陆的 觉得和这个社会早就摔成西巴烂了但我们都苟延残喘着
4.5; Never before have I seen a zombie film with so many layers. The symbolic meaning of the infection is announced from the very beginning through footage and words to be 'rage', and the violence induced by it henceforward becomes the centre of the film's criticism. But what adds to the film's complexity is the fact that the protagonist is empowered only by rage to fight for those he loves and defeat the purposeless soldiers, who by contrast fight for nothing but themselves. The film thus indicates a place for violence in humanity and hints that violence is not inherently the abject. It also draws a comparison between two archetypes of fatherhood: permissive & autocratic
8.5 从头到尾就流露着“好看”两个字雷对原色的应用让人印象深刻一抹鲜艳而暧昧的红色始终留在脑中明明都是正反打却总让人发现厉害之处他在古典情节剧的框架下拍出大胆的现实主义色彩给人以恍如新好莱坞的错觉实属超越好莱坞大制片厂的存在若是70s电影也许就会反叛到底但这是1955年所以影片最后还是回归了家庭可即便如此其毁灭的震撼力也让人久难忘怀几位演员的结局再抹上一层唏嘘这样的反叛台湾节目谈大陆不仅“无因”也无果世界末日在黎明时到来